How to get rid of acne scarring

How to get rid of acne scarring

Acne scars can be a constant reminder of past breakouts, affecting not just your skin but also your self-esteem.

In this blog, we'll guide you through the journey of treating acne scars effectively. After successfully managing an acne outbreak, one may find that the journey to skin restoration is not yet complete.

Residual scars and areas of red pigmentation can persist for an extended period of time.

However, there are effective strategies available to achieve a more uniform and radiant complexion.

1. Treat your acne problems first

Before diving into scar treatment, it's crucial to address the root cause: acne.

Treating active acne will prevent further scarring and make the scar treatment more effective.

Consult a dermatologist for a tailored treatment plan that may include topical treatments, oral medications, or a combination of both.

2. Types of acne and their treatments

Pigment Changes: Post-Inflammatory Erythema (Red Spots)

Post-inflammatory erythema is a form of temporary skin discolouration that appears in reddish or pinkish spots or patches.

This condition often occurs after an acne lesion has healed, leaving behind a red mark. It is caused by inflammation and the dilation of capillaries under the skin's surface.


Niacinamide is particularly effective for treating post-inflammatory erythema. Known as Vitamin B3, niacinamide helps reduce the look of discolouration and uneven skin tone.

It also has anti-inflammatory properties that target underlying redness and inflammation.

A product like Brightening Hero Correcting Gel, which contains 5% niacinamide, can be a potent part of your skincare routine for treating this issue.

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (Dark Spots)

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is a form of skin discolouration that appears in dark spots or patches.

These spots occur after the skin has experienced some form of trauma, such as acne, burns, or other skin injuries.

PIH is the result of an overproduction of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin colour, during the healing process.

Treatment Plan

  1. Speed up cell turnover: Retinoids are excellent for this. They promote faster skin renewal, pushing the hyper-pigmented cells to the surface where they can be shed.
  2. Exfoliate the skin: Regular exfoliation helps remove the upper layer of the skin, which is often discoloured. Look for products containing alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs).
  3. Decrease pigment production: Tranexamic acid for hyperpigmentation is a powerful ingredient that inhibits melanin production. It's a safer, more effective alternative to hydroquinone.
  4. Use sunscreen: UV exposure can worsen PIH. Always use a broad-spectrum SPF of at least 30.
  5. Topical treatments: Ingredients like vitamin C, alpha arbutin, and niacinamide for acne scars can lighten dark spots and improve skin texture.
  6. Multi-ingredient approach: For effective treatment, it's best to use a product that combines several of these ingredients to work through different mechanisms. Brightening Hero is an ideal choice, as it contains 3% tranexamic acid, 5% niacinamide, 2% alpha arbutin, and vitamin C.

True Scars: Atrophic Scars (Punched-Out Areas)

Atrophic acne scars are a specific subtype of atrophic scars that occur after an acne lesion has healed.

Unlike hypertrophic scars, which are raised, atrophic acne scars are indented and appear as "punched-out" areas on the skin.

These scars form when there is a loss of tissue, often due to insufficient collagen production during the healing process.

Treatment Plan

  1. Consult a dermatologist: Given the complexity of atrophic scars, a consultation with a dermatologist is often the first step for an effective treatment plan.
  2. Topical treatments: While topical treatments may not completely remove atrophic scars, they can improve the appearance. Retinoids can help by promoting collagen production and skin renewal.
  3. Microneedling: This procedure involves using fine needles to create hundreds of tiny, invisible puncture wounds in the top layer of the skin, which stimulates the body's natural wound-healing processes and increases collagen production.
  4. Filler injections: Dermal fillers can be used to fill in the depressed areas of the skin, making the surface appear more even.
  5. Laser therapy: Lasers can remove the top layer of the skin and stimulate collagen production in the underlying layers, offering a more permanent solution.
  6. Chemical peels: These can remove the top layer of the skin, helping to reduce the appearance of atrophic scars over time.
  7. Surgery: In extreme cases, surgical removal and skin grafting might be considered.
  8. Ongoing care: Consistent use of sunscreen and a proper skincare routine can help improve the skin's overall texture and may aid in the effectiveness of other treatments.

Hypertrophic Acne Scars (Elevated Parts)

Hypertrophic acne scars are a specific type of hypertrophic scar that forms following an acne breakout.

These scars are raised, thickened areas of tissue that develop directly at the site of the acne lesion.

They occur when the skin produces too much collagen as it tries to heal the acne wound, leading to a raised scar.

Treatment Plan

  1. Consult a dermatologist: Given the specialized nature of hypertrophic acne scars, a dermatologist can offer the most effective treatment options tailored to your skin type and condition.
  2. Topical treatments: While topical treatments are generally less effective for hypertrophic scars, silicone gel sheets can sometimes help in flattening the raised areas.
  3. Steroid injections: Corticosteroid injections directly into the scar can help reduce its size and relieve pain or itching.
  4. Microneedling: This procedure stimulates collagen production and can break down the fibrous, uneven scar tissue, making the scar less noticeable.
  5. Chemical peels: A series of chemical peels can help reduce the raised aspect of the scar and improve skin texture.
  6. Laser therapy: Specific types of lasers can target the redness and improve the texture of hypertrophic acne scars, making them less noticeable.
  7. Surgical revision: In severe cases, surgical removal followed by skin grafting might be considered. However, this comes with a risk of forming a new hypertrophic scar.
  8. Ongoing care: Consistent use of sunscreen can prevent the scar from darkening, and a proper skincare routine can improve the skin's overall texture.

3. Setting Realistic Expectations

When embarking on a journey to treat acne scars, it's crucial to set realistic expectations.

While advancements in skin care and dermatological treatments offer promising results, it's essential to understand that each person's skin responds differently to treatment.

Here are some key points to consider:

  • Time frame
Healing takes time. Depending on the severity of your scars and the treatment method chosen, it may take weeks to months to see noticeable improvements. Patience is key.
  • Multiple treatments
Often, a combination of treatments is more effective than a single approach. For example, topical treatments like Brightening Hero Correcting Gel can be beneficial for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation but may need to be combined with dermatological procedures for atrophic or hypertrophic scars.
  • Cost
Effective treatment can be an investment. Whether it's the ongoing cost of topical products or the higher upfront costs of dermatological procedures, be prepared for the financial aspect of your treatment plan.
  • Side effects
All treatments come with potential side effects. For example, some people may experience skin irritation from topical treatments or downtime from surgical procedures. Always consult with a healthcare provider for a full understanding of potential risks.
  • Emotional impact
The journey to clearer skin can be emotionally taxing. Celebrate small victories and don't get discouraged if progress seems slow. Emotional well-being is an important part of the healing process.
  • Professional guidance
Always consult a dermatologist or skincare professional for an accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plan. Self-diagnosis and treatment can sometimes worsen the condition. By setting realistic expectations, you're better prepared for the journey ahead and less likely to be disappointed by the speed or degree of your results.

4. Consistency

One of the most overlooked yet crucial aspects of any successful acne scar treatment is consistency.

Whether you're applying a topical treatment like Brightening Hero or undergoing a series of dermatological procedures, consistent application and follow-through are key.

Why consistency matters

  • Continuous healing: Skin repair is a continuous process that requires regular stimulation. Missing treatments can disrupt this process and set back progress.
  • Active ingredients: The efficacy of active ingredients like tranexamic acid, niacinamide, and alpha arbutin is often dose-dependent. Consistent application ensures that these ingredients have the best chance to work effectively.
  • Building good habits: Consistency helps in building a skincare routine that you can stick to, making it easier to incorporate new treatments or products as needed.
  • Monitoring progress: Consistent treatment makes it easier to track your progress and make necessary adjustments to your regimen.

By being consistent, you not only maximise the effectiveness of your treatment but also set yourself up for long-term success.

Final thoughts

Acne scars can be daunting, but they don't have to be permanent. With the right treatment plan and the power-packed formula of Brightening Hero, achieving brighter, more even-looking skin is within reach.

Brightening Hero is formulated with hero ingredients like 5% niacinamide, 3% tranexamic acid, 2% alpha arbutin, and vitamin C, making it a safer and more effective alternative to traditional treatments.

So why wait? Take the first step towards a more confident you today!

Disclaimer: Always consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions.